

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these files. If you do not have it already, you can download it here.

Equality Scheme

Equality Scheme

Promoting British Values

British Values

Other Policies



Behaviour-Restrictive Physical Intervention


Charging and Remissions

Child Protection Policy


English Policy- Writing

Esafety and acceptable use

Highbury SEN Provision Overview

Home-School Agreement

Maths Policy

Privacy Notice

Relationships, Sex and Health Education

SEN/Inclusion Policy


The school holds a full range of policies which visitors can request to see. If you wish to receive a paper copy of any policy, please request to do so through the school office.



You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these files. If you do not have it already, you can download it here.

Equality Scheme

Equality Scheme

Promoting British Values

British Values

Other Policies



Behaviour-Restrictive Physical Intervention


Charging and Remissions

Child Protection Policy


English Policy- Writing

Esafety and acceptable use

Highbury SEN Provision Overview

Home-School Agreement

Maths Policy

Privacy Notice

Relationships, Sex and Health Education

SEN/Inclusion Policy


The school holds a full range of policies which visitors can request to see. If you wish to receive a paper copy of any policy, please request to do so through the school office.



You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these files. If you do not have it already, you can download it here.

Equality Scheme

Equality Scheme

Promoting British Values

British Values

Other Policies



Behaviour-Restrictive Physical Intervention


Charging and Remissions

Child Protection Policy


English Policy- Writing

Esafety and acceptable use

Highbury SEN Provision Overview

Home-School Agreement

Maths Policy

Privacy Notice

Relationships, Sex and Health Education

SEN/Inclusion Policy


The school holds a full range of policies which visitors can request to see. If you wish to receive a paper copy of any policy, please request to do so through the school office.



You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these files. If you do not have it already, you can download it here.

Equality Scheme

Equality Scheme

Promoting British Values

British Values

Other Policies



Behaviour-Restrictive Physical Intervention


Charging and Remissions

Child Protection Policy


English Policy- Writing

Esafety and acceptable use

Highbury SEN Provision Overview

Home-School Agreement

Maths Policy

Privacy Notice

Relationships, Sex and Health Education

SEN/Inclusion Policy


The school holds a full range of policies which visitors can request to see. If you wish to receive a paper copy of any policy, please request to do so through the school office.