The school's INCO is Mrs A McConnell-Smith. Please make contact via the school office.
School Offer (SEN Information Report) Welcome to our “School Offer” information. On these pages you should be able to find the answers for many frequently asked questions relating to what we offer children in our school who have a Special Educational Need (SEN) This information has been put together by a wide set of people including the Head, INCo (Inclusion Coordinator), teachers and parents and will be reviewed every year. If you do not find what you are looking for then please ask us. If you have any suggestions or comments then please let us know! If your child’s class teacher cannot help you, the best contacts are: All children can expect a fully inclusive, well differentiated education at our school, some children may need additional support during their time with us and a few children will need more precise, specialist input. What should I do if I think my child may have a special educational need? If you think that your child may have a problem at school, talk to us! How does the school know about my child’s progress and if they need extra? How will school staff support my child and who might work with them? All staff have a duty to support all children within the school environment and our INCo oversees the additional support that some children need. How will I know how my child is doing and how might I be involved in discussions and planning? The school has two parent consultation evenings, two open afternoons and a detailed written report in the summer term for all children. This means that each term, teachers will give you an idea of your child’s progress in relation to age related expectations, allowing you a better understand where your child fits within the ‘national picture’. When reporting progress, we will also talk to you about the child’s starting point for that academic year or Key Stage. It is important to recognise that your child can be making ‘good progress’ in relation to this starting point but still be working below age related expectations.
All class teachers use an ongoing assessment cycle to appropriately differentiate, make the work of suitable challenge, for all children within class. Assess, plan, do, and review. Any “differentiation” is made clear on teacher’s planning and evaluations and is monitored by school. What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being? We are a happy school. Your child’s well-being is paramount and we pride ourselves on our inclusive environment. Class teachers are regularly reflecting on the wider well-being of the individuals in their class. The school can also access further services provided via the “Hitchin Partnership of schools” such as counselling and parent support workers, who help support families in our community. Do talk to our INCo if you think they can help your family. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school? The school has a bespoke response to supporting children and families and so, depending on need, we use a wide range of expertise, services and other professionals in order to ensure your child’s happiness and progress. This might include:- What training have the staff supporting children and young people with SEND, had or are having? The INCo has completed the SENCo Award and continues to update her knowledge regularly as the need arises. She has attended nurture group, attachment and anxiety training in order to look further into the social and emotional support offered at the school and is the school trained MHL (Mental Health Lead) How will you help me to support my child’s learning? At our school we hold regular curriculum meetings to help you support your child. Curriculum Evenings tend to be around the areas of Maths and English and can cover such things as phonics, spelling, grammar and numeracy skills. Decisions on the content of the evening are made in response to parent questionnaires and emerging need. We also host parent evenings and sessions based around wellbeing during the year. How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips? Ours is an inclusive school and the needs of all children will be considered in the planning of any trip or event. How accessible is the school environment? Our school is built on several levels with some areas being harder to access, however we have been subject to certain modifications in recent times, including slopes, auditory and visual aids to allow better access for pupils and parents. We have a toilet with wheelchair access. How will the school prepare and support my child at times of transfer? Change can be difficult for all children to manage but can be a particular challenge for those with SEND. How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational need? The School’s SEN budget allocation is predominantly used to provide additional staff support that will be used strategically to support as much identified need as possible. How is the decision made about how much support my child will receive? Decisions around support allocated to children, comes from the class teacher and also as a result of the termly Pupil Progress Meetings, as well as prior knowledge of the needs of children new to the school. Unhappy? Please talk to us! We truly believe that an open, honest conversation is the best way to resolve any problem you might have. Glossary INCo = Inclusion Coordinator (responsible for SEN) Useful Things to know! HAND – Hertfordshire Additional Needs Database(information, concessions, support groups for children and parents) Hertfordshire Local offer |
Accessibility Plan (click on link)
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The school's INCO is Mrs A McConnell-Smith. Please make contact via the school office.
School Offer (SEN Information Report) Welcome to our “School Offer” information. On these pages you should be able to find the answers for many frequently asked questions relating to what we offer children in our school who have a Special Educational Need (SEN) This information has been put together by a wide set of people including the Head, INCo (Inclusion Coordinator), teachers and parents and will be reviewed every year. If you do not find what you are looking for then please ask us. If you have any suggestions or comments then please let us know! If your child’s class teacher cannot help you, the best contacts are: All children can expect a fully inclusive, well differentiated education at our school, some children may need additional support during their time with us and a few children will need more precise, specialist input. What should I do if I think my child may have a special educational need? If you think that your child may have a problem at school, talk to us! How does the school know about my child’s progress and if they need extra? How will school staff support my child and who might work with them? All staff have a duty to support all children within the school environment and our INCo oversees the additional support that some children need. How will I know how my child is doing and how might I be involved in discussions and planning? The school has two parent consultation evenings, two open afternoons and a detailed written report in the summer term for all children. This means that each term, teachers will give you an idea of your child’s progress in relation to age related expectations, allowing you a better understand where your child fits within the ‘national picture’. When reporting progress, we will also talk to you about the child’s starting point for that academic year or Key Stage. It is important to recognise that your child can be making ‘good progress’ in relation to this starting point but still be working below age related expectations.
All class teachers use an ongoing assessment cycle to appropriately differentiate, make the work of suitable challenge, for all children within class. Assess, plan, do, and review. Any “differentiation” is made clear on teacher’s planning and evaluations and is monitored by school. What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being? We are a happy school. Your child’s well-being is paramount and we pride ourselves on our inclusive environment. Class teachers are regularly reflecting on the wider well-being of the individuals in their class. The school can also access further services provided via the “Hitchin Partnership of schools” such as counselling and parent support workers, who help support families in our community. Do talk to our INCo if you think they can help your family. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school? The school has a bespoke response to supporting children and families and so, depending on need, we use a wide range of expertise, services and other professionals in order to ensure your child’s happiness and progress. This might include:- What training have the staff supporting children and young people with SEND, had or are having? The INCo has completed the SENCo Award and continues to update her knowledge regularly as the need arises. She has attended nurture group, attachment and anxiety training in order to look further into the social and emotional support offered at the school and is the school trained MHL (Mental Health Lead) How will you help me to support my child’s learning? At our school we hold regular curriculum meetings to help you support your child. Curriculum Evenings tend to be around the areas of Maths and English and can cover such things as phonics, spelling, grammar and numeracy skills. Decisions on the content of the evening are made in response to parent questionnaires and emerging need. We also host parent evenings and sessions based around wellbeing during the year. How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips? Ours is an inclusive school and the needs of all children will be considered in the planning of any trip or event. How accessible is the school environment? Our school is built on several levels with some areas being harder to access, however we have been subject to certain modifications in recent times, including slopes, auditory and visual aids to allow better access for pupils and parents. We have a toilet with wheelchair access. How will the school prepare and support my child at times of transfer? Change can be difficult for all children to manage but can be a particular challenge for those with SEND. How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational need? The School’s SEN budget allocation is predominantly used to provide additional staff support that will be used strategically to support as much identified need as possible. How is the decision made about how much support my child will receive? Decisions around support allocated to children, comes from the class teacher and also as a result of the termly Pupil Progress Meetings, as well as prior knowledge of the needs of children new to the school. Unhappy? Please talk to us! We truly believe that an open, honest conversation is the best way to resolve any problem you might have. Glossary INCo = Inclusion Coordinator (responsible for SEN) Useful Things to know! HAND – Hertfordshire Additional Needs Database(information, concessions, support groups for children and parents) Hertfordshire Local offer |
Accessibility Plan (click on link)
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